Dr Rob Marshall S76 - In Water Bird Mite Treatment
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The number 1 product for Air Sac Mites / Bird mites in All bird Species.
The only and original Air Sac mite treatment in water!
Any mites that live inside of a bird or bite a bird and suck blood will be killed by S76!
If you have lots of birds making it almost impossible to catch, then S76 is for you!
S76 is administered via the drinking water, which is the most convenient and effective method for treating individual or flock birds against bird mites, so no need to catch your birds and stress them out unnecessarily!
For use with ALL Bird Species and Ages from chicks to adults - Cage and Aviary birds, Finches, Canaries, Budgies, Parrots, Pigeons and Poultry, British Birds, Softbills and being particularly useful for juveniles, breeding pairs,
Simply add it to the drinking water
100% safe for young in the nest, during the moult and does NOT effect fertility what so ever!
S76 will kill all mites, red mite, northern mite, air sac mites, feather mites, blood parasites, blood sucking lice, flies and roundworms.
S76 is also effective for Scaly Face and Leg mites.
Air-sac mites live in the respiratory tract of birds. Two species that are most susceptible to these mites are Gouldian Finches and Canaries although can affect any species and if buying a new bird sometimes you cant even tell just by looking at the bird.
These immature forms of the mite become active when the bird is ill, stressed or during hot weather. The problem can appear suddenly, when mites were not even apparent in your birds before and spread throughout the flock quickly.
Air-sac mites are transmitted through direct contact of adults feeding regurgitated food to their young and also through courtship feeding between adults. Research suggest that transmission of this mite occurs by adult non-pregnant females that migrate out of the nares (nostrils) onto the head plumage and eventually into a new host, so it is actually beneficial to treat during the breeding season to prevent transmitting them to new young baby birds in the nest.
Mites have a life cycle of at least 3 weeks so to ensure the complete cycle including the nymph stage of the mite is killed, a 4 week course of treatment is required and why ALL birds MUST be treated.
Symptoms of Air Sac Mites:
- Loss of voice
- Coughing
- Sneezing
- Wheezing
- Raspy wet noises or clicking
Usual cure time is 3-4 weeks with mild infestations to ensure the complete life cycle of the mite is killed.
Read our How to USE GUIDE
Active Ingredients: mectin 0.8g/1 & Slippery Elm
Supplied by our partner FabFinches
Any questions please feel free to contact us. |